Masterclass Weekend Helsinki 5-7.11
pe 05. marrask.
We have extended the presale until wednesay! Use code masterclass when buying 3 or more classes.
Paikka & aika
05. marrask. 2021 klo 17.00 UTC+2 – 07. marrask. 2021 klo 17.30 UTC+2
Helsinki, Energiakatu 3, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Tietoa tapahtumasta
We Dance Helsinki ja Tinze Twerk Studio ylpeinä esittävät: Masterclass Weekend Helsingissä 5-7.11.
Nyt sinulla on mahdollisuus syventää osallistua huippuopettajien intensiivikursseille. Pääset kehittämään esiintymistä, oppimaan uusia koregrafioita ja hiomaan tekniikkaa. Viikonlopulle on ennakkomyynnissä tarjoushintaan lippupaketteja sunnuntaihin saakka. Masterclass workshopit pidetään Tinze Twerk Studiolla Salmisaaren liikuntakeskuksessa kolmannessa kerroksessa (sali 3). Lippurahoja ei palauteta oston jälkeen. Mikäli sinulle tulee äkillinen meno voit vaihtaa lipun toiselle workshopille. Tässä yhteydessä meilaa twerkwithtinze@gmail.com.
1 X CLASS: 25€ (after presale 30€)
3 or more tickets use code: masterclass (20€ each)
8 X CLASSES: 150€ use code masterclass (after presale 180€)
17-18.30: Commercial Dance / Miguel Chavez
19-20.30: Jazz-Funk / Niki Ballerini
12-13.30: Jazz-Funk / Federico Milan
14-15.30: Commercial Dance / Miguel Chavez
16-17.30: Commercial Dance/ Niki Ballerini
12-13.30: Jazz-Funk / Federico Milan
14-15.30: Heels Technique + Choreo/ Niki Ballerini
16-17.30: Heels Choreo + Performance / Niki Ballerini
Federico Milan
From Vigevano, Italy - Federico has an extensive background in ballet, modern, contemporary, hip-hop , jazz-funk and commercial style.
Through his participation to the biggest dance talent show in italy "Amici 18" he rose to the italian entertainment scene. Togheter with Miguel they're at the lead of some of the best dance projects in the country , even hitting several Movie Theaters in major cities with their concept videos such as "MIGMA" and "Rotate", which can now be found on Youtube.
A few credits:
Dancer for Xfactor Celebrities UK
Marco Mengoni/Elodie - Andrea Bocelli and many others
Dancer & Choreographer for VMA 2020 Athens
Miguel Chavez
From colombia to Switzerland, Miguel eventually conquered Italian Tv through his charisma and great energy participating in the biggest dance talent show Amici (18th season). He choreographed and danced for several artists and also Greek tv shows.
With roots based in hip-hop he went on to grow as a commercial style performer. Togheter with Federico they're at the lead of some of the best dance projects in the country , even hitting several Movie Theaters in major cities with their concept videos such as "MIGMA" and "Rotate", which can now be found on Youtube.
A few credits:
Amici 18
Professional Dancer for Arisa
Official Choreographer for MAD ( Video Music Awards)
Niki Ballerini
From Milan, Italy - Niki started off as a ballet dancer at the prestigious Academy of "La Scala" in Milan, perfoming with artists such as Etoile Roberto Bolle and Alessandra Ferri in shows like The Nutcraker , AIDA and Giallo '700. He later moved to more urban styles (hip-hop, jazzfunk, commercial, heels): training in L.A., London, UDC Germany and Madrid. Started making a name for himself outside italy by teaching in London,San Francisco and Irvine, CA(USA), Spain and Estonia he's finally comin back to Helsinki.
A few credits:
Dancer for King Guttah, EEVA x Kendi (Croatia)
Choreographer & Dancer 4 Sky TV - Zelig OFF
Choreographer & Dancer for XFactor ALO Casini " Uomini Che Amano Le Donne"
Commercial Dance / Miguel
Friday 5.11.2021 17-18.30: Commercial Dance / Miguel Chavez From Colombia to Switzerland, Miguel eventually conquered Italian Tv through his charisma and great energy participating in the biggest dance talent show Amici (18th season). He choreographed and danced for several artists and also Greek tv shows.
30,00 €Myynti on päättynytJazz-Funk/ Niki
Friday 5.11.2021 19-20.30: Jazz-Funk / Niki Ballerini From Milan, Italy - Niki started off as a ballet dancer at the prestigious Academy of "La Scala" in Milan, perfoming with artists such as Etoile Roberto Bolle and Alessandra Ferri in shows like The Nutcraker , AIDA and Giallo '700. He later moved to more urban styles (hip-hop, jazzfunk, commercial, heels): training in L.A., London, UDC Germany and Madrid.
30,00 €Myynti on päättynytJazz-Funk/ Federico
Saturday 12-13.30: Jazz-Funk / Federico Milan
30,00 €Myynti on päättynytCommercial Dance/ Miguel
Saturday 6.11.2021 14-15.30: Commercial Dance / Miguel Chavez
30,00 €Myynti on päättynytCommercial Dance/ Niki
Saturday 6.11.2021 16-17.30: Commercial Dance / Niki Ballerini
30,00 €Myynti on päättynytJazz-Funk/ Federico
Sunday 7.11.2021 12-13.30: Jazz-Funk / Federico Milan
30,00 €Myynti on päättynytHeels Technique + choreo/ Niki
Sunday 7.11.2021 14-15.30: Heels Technique + Choreo/ Niki Ballerini
30,00 €Myynti on päättynytHeels choreo + perfomance/Niki
Sunday 7.11.2021 16-17.30: Heels Choreo + Performance / Niki Ballerini
30,00 €Myynti on päättynyt8 x Classes bundle
Access to all 8 classes during the weekend!
180,00 €Myynti on päättynyt
0,00 €